Welcome to our Blog!

With the start of the 2008-2009 school year begins the fourth year of Skagway High School's DDF team. For three years, dedicated coaches and students have put much time and energy into developing, and gaining community support of the program and that work has paid off! For the first time, a DDF tournament will be hosted in Skagway, this February. It is an event that will require a lot of cooperation, so if you have a free hand, Skagway School would love the help! The team has also chosen to adopt a global initiative for the year 'Climate Change'.

To read more about the program, its role in Skagway, and the purpose of this blog see the first post- DDF in Skagway

To read more about the 2008-2009 Climate Change theme and how the team will act on it see the post- The Climate Change Initiative

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Terms and Vocabulary

For those of you new to DDF there may be some terms or words used in this blog that you are unfamiliar with. So, here is a list that may help you out. A term on this list you want defined? Just post a comment below and the list will be updated quickily!

Blocking: the staged movement within a performance. (Ex: "That solo had terrible blocking! He just sat in a chair the entire time!")

Off-Stage Acting: Performers do not touch or make eye contact in the performance. Rather than looking at each other, the two actors look stragiht forward at the audience. (Ex: Jack is mad at Jill so 'slaps' the air in front of him. Jill, standing to the side of him, reacts as though she had been slapped, although now physical contact was made.)

Cutting: the selected pieces of a play or book from which you create your performance. (Ex: You want to perform 'Charolette's Web'. Rather than performing every word and including every character in the book, you choose certain important sections and put them together in a flowing format.)

National Forensic League: Has actually exsisted longer than the other NFL. Here is a link to their site: http://www.nflonline.org/AboutNFL.AboutNFL

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