Welcome to our Blog!

With the start of the 2008-2009 school year begins the fourth year of Skagway High School's DDF team. For three years, dedicated coaches and students have put much time and energy into developing, and gaining community support of the program and that work has paid off! For the first time, a DDF tournament will be hosted in Skagway, this February. It is an event that will require a lot of cooperation, so if you have a free hand, Skagway School would love the help! The team has also chosen to adopt a global initiative for the year 'Climate Change'.

To read more about the program, its role in Skagway, and the purpose of this blog see the first post- DDF in Skagway

To read more about the 2008-2009 Climate Change theme and how the team will act on it see the post- The Climate Change Initiative

Saturday, September 13, 2008

DDF Practice This Weekend

DDF practice will beheld at the school (in Mr. Fielding's room) today starting at 10:00am. Not all of the Readers Theater's members will be able to practice today, however, all that can should be at the school today. Practice tomorrow will start at 1:00pm. I have not set an 'end time' for practice because I'm not sure exactly how long it is going to take to get the Readers Theater 'shape': it may go very quickily, or it may go very slowly. For those of you not in the Readers Theater, this weekend gives you a great opportunity to develop individual projects and/or prepare for the first meet in October.

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